Let us touch the dying, the poor, the lonely and the unwanted
according to the graces we have received and let us not be ashamed or
slow to do the humble work.
- Mother Teresa
according to the graces we have received and let us not be ashamed or
slow to do the humble work.
- Mother Teresa
About Me
- Missy
- Sunny Florida, United States
- I am the proud mom to 6 kids: Natasha, 24, Nikolai, 20, Reese, 20, Maylee, 14, Erik, 10 and Violet, 7. The kids come from Russia, Ukraine and China; I'm so proud of my family sometimes I think I'll burst and I needed an outlet for it - so I've created this weblog. :o)
If you can't feed a hundred people, then feed just one.
- Mother Teresa
- Mother Teresa
Motivation for Moms
One of the greatest diseases is to be nobody to anybody.
Mother Teresa
Mother Teresa
My Blog List
Waiting - It was a long long wait. In the fall of 2023 he obtained his official license to drive but then he had to wait. He waited through the winter, the sprin...1 month ago
Reece's Rainbow is TEN | #RRisTEN #OurWorkIsNotDone - [image: photo rrtennotdonegif.gif]8 years ago
Coffee date - These two girls got a special coffee date with mama for memorizing the ENTIRE first chapter of James in the Bible. I was never good at memorizing and I mus...9 years ago
Posisi paling enak saat melakukan bercint* - Posisi paling enak saat melakukan bercint* : *simak langsung di sini saja*9 years ago
What an Honor! - Our local newspaper, The Minot Daily News, ran a story about our adoption journeys. The writer, Marissa Howard, did a amazing job writing the piece. Her...9 years ago
Someone is 16 Today! - Someone who is Beautiful... Sweet Unique Silly OK and downright Goofy! It will be birthday party central here today...more on Josi's 16th birt...11 years ago
Another Acronym. Another Specialist. The Long Story. - We finally got Darah in to see the rheumatologist to confirm what other specialists have told us she likely has. We LOVED the rheumatologist we saw and s...11 years ago
My strength didn't come from lifting weights. My strength came from lifting myself up every time i was knocked down. - My strength didn't come from lifting weights. My strength came from lifting myself up every time i was knocked down. ♥♥ Share Inspire Quotes ♥♥ Inspiration...11 years ago
News And Repair From Life Insurance - Life insurance is one among the foremost counseled places wherever you'll be able to get complete and elaborate insurance quotes. This website can assist ...12 years ago
Slip proof rug - Any of you have hard wood floors? How about rugs for your hard wood floor? It wasn't until we moved into our current house with hard wood floor, that we ne...13 years ago
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
But I digress... Yesterday afternoon I came home from work to find Erik in a world of you-know-what. Yes, he had diarrhea and it was EV.'RY.WHERE. But enough details. Just keep this in the back of your mind, that my morning started yesterday afternoon.
This morning I got up at the usual time, etc. Took my shower, then went in to get Erik up. Yep. Once again, loaded with you-know-what, though I must admit it wasn't quite as bad as yesterday - he pretty much kept it to himself. Cleaned him up, got him seated at the table and stuck his oatmeal in the microwave (he has plain oatmeal with fruit most mornings).
While that was cooking, I let Mary out to potty. Went to put my hair up in a pony tail, then came back and let Mary in and fed her, then Erik.
After Erik was done eating, I let Mary out again, with Daisy this time. Left them and finished getting Erik ready for the day (teeth brushed, hair combed, etc.). I got him situated in his play pen thingie for a rather long and boring day without Reese, and with his dad not feeling well, while I went to work.
Went back to let the dogs in and... nothing. They were GONE. I saw the side fence ajar and knew that they'd gotten out. OH. NO.
With no one to help look (Reese being in Leesburg and Mark being in bed) I took off on foot, calling and clapping my hands, "MAAAARY!!! DAAAAAISYYYY!!" (They have wonderful names for dragging out when calling.) I was really surprised that they didn't come, especially Mary, who loves to be close to us and always comes running at full speed when called. It was surely in the upper 80's already (we are having record heat), but I took off down the street. "Maaaaaaary!!! Daaaaaisy!!" I didn't care what time it was - my babies were lost!!!
Which way did they go?? Down Spruce St.?? North up Pine or south down Pine towards the highway? I went this way and that, getting more panicked all the time. Sweat was dripping everywhere, but I didn't care. I started to pray, "Please Lord God, don't let anything happen to my girls!!" I was worried because, though she had tags on, Mary is prime for being a stolen dog: young, very very cute, sweet, friendly, purebred. Daisy did not have her tags on, but she was microchipped and a bit skittish and wouldn't go to anyone, probably. My heart sank as I turned toward the highway and I hesitantly walked closer. Surely Mary wouldn't go near the highway?? She was scared of cars and loud noises (HATES the garbage truck!). She wouldn't go near there, with all of the many, many cars. But I didn't know where else to look, so...
As I approached, I looked across the highway and down a little to a house with a beautiful, big green front yard (they sell honey there), and sure enough, I saw two little dogs, galloping around, playing like they were on a country meadow - MY DOGS!!!!
Heaving from running (yes, me!! Running!!) up and down the street in the unbelievable heat and humidity, I approached the light. Could they have POSSIBLY crossed this highway??? How did they NOT get hit?!?! I didn't want to call to them, in case they ran to me and got hit running back across the street, so I jammed on the light sensor gizmo and pretty much yelled at the cars to watch out!!! I crossed and made my way to the yard. As I got there, I saw that Daisy had settled down in the soft grass and looked like she was in the Caribbean, enjoying the ocean view. Mary was prancing around, having the time of her life sniffing everything, and chasing bugs. I called to them and Mary made a BEELINE straight for me and pretty much jumped into my arms!!! OH, was I glad to have her back!!! Daisy was a different story. She thought this was a fun game that I joined and she darted around, daring me to try to get her. What I wanted at that point was a pistol, but, heaving my lungs out, sweat dripping off of my nose, I sat on the grass and ordered her to come to me. She did.
Because I didn't have a leash with me, I had to carry the two dogs back home. Mary was no problem, the girl can't weigh more than an ounce. Daisy on the other hand, is a TANK and while tiny, packs every BIT of herself with muscle and she weighs a TON. Standing up while utterly exhausted is hard enough, but try standing up holding two dogs on a slippery slope of grass. Then, try walking all the way home (1/8 of a mile??) carrying the two squirming dogs (and Mary slathering me with kisses the whole way home - she was so glad to see me!!) with O2 sats at 70% in 88 degree weather with 90% humidity after being panicked by fear.
THEN, imagine that you got home to find the DOOR LOCKED!! Fortunately, Mark was home, but even better, I knew that the back door was open, so I dropped Daisy in the enclosed porch (my arm was useless by that point) and carried Mary around to the back, secured the fence AGAIN (it has been "secured" many times) and went in, and let Daisy in. I collapsed on the bed next to Mark and told him what had happened (I was soaked in sweat by then). He felt SO BAD.
But I was late for work, and had to go. I got Erik and put him in his playpen and discovered... HE HAD DIARRHEA AGAIN!!! I could not believe it. So in my disbelief, I changed him again, with a clothespin on my nose, put him in his place, turned cartoons on for him (he watches them now) and left for work.

And in case you are wondering, he was NOT wearing the dragon outfit and hasn't worn it in months and months!!!

This morning I got up at the usual time, etc. Took my shower, then went in to get Erik up. Yep. Once again, loaded with you-know-what, though I must admit it wasn't quite as bad as yesterday - he pretty much kept it to himself. Cleaned him up, got him seated at the table and stuck his oatmeal in the microwave (he has plain oatmeal with fruit most mornings).
While that was cooking, I let Mary out to potty. Went to put my hair up in a pony tail, then came back and let Mary in and fed her, then Erik.
After Erik was done eating, I let Mary out again, with Daisy this time. Left them and finished getting Erik ready for the day (teeth brushed, hair combed, etc.). I got him situated in his play pen thingie for a rather long and boring day without Reese, and with his dad not feeling well, while I went to work.
Went back to let the dogs in and... nothing. They were GONE. I saw the side fence ajar and knew that they'd gotten out. OH. NO.
With no one to help look (Reese being in Leesburg and Mark being in bed) I took off on foot, calling and clapping my hands, "MAAAARY!!! DAAAAAISYYYY!!" (They have wonderful names for dragging out when calling.) I was really surprised that they didn't come, especially Mary, who loves to be close to us and always comes running at full speed when called. It was surely in the upper 80's already (we are having record heat), but I took off down the street. "Maaaaaaary!!! Daaaaaisy!!" I didn't care what time it was - my babies were lost!!!
Which way did they go?? Down Spruce St.?? North up Pine or south down Pine towards the highway? I went this way and that, getting more panicked all the time. Sweat was dripping everywhere, but I didn't care. I started to pray, "Please Lord God, don't let anything happen to my girls!!" I was worried because, though she had tags on, Mary is prime for being a stolen dog: young, very very cute, sweet, friendly, purebred. Daisy did not have her tags on, but she was microchipped and a bit skittish and wouldn't go to anyone, probably. My heart sank as I turned toward the highway and I hesitantly walked closer. Surely Mary wouldn't go near the highway?? She was scared of cars and loud noises (HATES the garbage truck!). She wouldn't go near there, with all of the many, many cars. But I didn't know where else to look, so...
As I approached, I looked across the highway and down a little to a house with a beautiful, big green front yard (they sell honey there), and sure enough, I saw two little dogs, galloping around, playing like they were on a country meadow - MY DOGS!!!!
Heaving from running (yes, me!! Running!!) up and down the street in the unbelievable heat and humidity, I approached the light. Could they have POSSIBLY crossed this highway??? How did they NOT get hit?!?! I didn't want to call to them, in case they ran to me and got hit running back across the street, so I jammed on the light sensor gizmo and pretty much yelled at the cars to watch out!!! I crossed and made my way to the yard. As I got there, I saw that Daisy had settled down in the soft grass and looked like she was in the Caribbean, enjoying the ocean view. Mary was prancing around, having the time of her life sniffing everything, and chasing bugs. I called to them and Mary made a BEELINE straight for me and pretty much jumped into my arms!!! OH, was I glad to have her back!!! Daisy was a different story. She thought this was a fun game that I joined and she darted around, daring me to try to get her. What I wanted at that point was a pistol, but, heaving my lungs out, sweat dripping off of my nose, I sat on the grass and ordered her to come to me. She did.
Because I didn't have a leash with me, I had to carry the two dogs back home. Mary was no problem, the girl can't weigh more than an ounce. Daisy on the other hand, is a TANK and while tiny, packs every BIT of herself with muscle and she weighs a TON. Standing up while utterly exhausted is hard enough, but try standing up holding two dogs on a slippery slope of grass. Then, try walking all the way home (1/8 of a mile??) carrying the two squirming dogs (and Mary slathering me with kisses the whole way home - she was so glad to see me!!) with O2 sats at 70% in 88 degree weather with 90% humidity after being panicked by fear.
THEN, imagine that you got home to find the DOOR LOCKED!! Fortunately, Mark was home, but even better, I knew that the back door was open, so I dropped Daisy in the enclosed porch (my arm was useless by that point) and carried Mary around to the back, secured the fence AGAIN (it has been "secured" many times) and went in, and let Daisy in. I collapsed on the bed next to Mark and told him what had happened (I was soaked in sweat by then). He felt SO BAD.
But I was late for work, and had to go. I got Erik and put him in his playpen and discovered... HE HAD DIARRHEA AGAIN!!! I could not believe it. So in my disbelief, I changed him again, with a clothespin on my nose, put him in his place, turned cartoons on for him (he watches them now) and left for work.
And in case you are wondering, he was NOT wearing the dragon outfit and hasn't worn it in months and months!!!

Monday, June 7, 2010
Finally, Erik started his hippotherapy program (horse riding therapy)!! I've been anxious for him to do this since he got home. We found a great place close to home and he did GREAT on his first session! The hardest part for him was when the PT wanted to put the helmet on his head. LOL I know that each session afterward will be easier for him than before. I'm so happy that he gets to do this, and my insurance paid for it, and I believe the co-pay will be paid by the Down Syndrome Assn. Even better!

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If you want happiness for an hour, take a nap.
If you want happiness for a day, go fishing.
If you want happiness for a year, inherit a fortune.
If you want happiness for a lifetime, help somebody.
- Chinese proverb
If you want happiness for a day, go fishing.
If you want happiness for a year, inherit a fortune.
If you want happiness for a lifetime, help somebody.
- Chinese proverb
It is not the will of your Father that any one of these little ones should perish. Matt. 18:14
Whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me. Matt. 18:5
Whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me. Matt. 18:5
Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
My family

Nikolai, Mark, Missy, Reese, and Erik
Nikolai, 19
Reese, 19

Erik, 9


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