Let us touch the dying, the poor, the lonely and the unwanted
according to the graces we have received and let us not be ashamed or
slow to do the humble work.
- Mother Teresa
according to the graces we have received and let us not be ashamed or
slow to do the humble work.
- Mother Teresa
About Me
- Missy
- Sunny Florida, United States
- I am the proud mom to 6 kids: Natasha, 24, Nikolai, 20, Reese, 20, Maylee, 14, Erik, 10 and Violet, 7. The kids come from Russia, Ukraine and China; I'm so proud of my family sometimes I think I'll burst and I needed an outlet for it - so I've created this weblog. :o)
If you can't feed a hundred people, then feed just one.
- Mother Teresa
- Mother Teresa
Motivation for Moms
One of the greatest diseases is to be nobody to anybody.
Mother Teresa
Mother Teresa
My Blog List
Waiting - It was a long long wait. In the fall of 2023 he obtained his official license to drive but then he had to wait. He waited through the winter, the sprin...1 month ago
Reece's Rainbow is TEN | #RRisTEN #OurWorkIsNotDone - [image: photo rrtennotdonegif.gif]8 years ago
Coffee date - These two girls got a special coffee date with mama for memorizing the ENTIRE first chapter of James in the Bible. I was never good at memorizing and I mus...9 years ago
Posisi paling enak saat melakukan bercint* - Posisi paling enak saat melakukan bercint* : *simak langsung di sini saja*9 years ago
What an Honor! - Our local newspaper, The Minot Daily News, ran a story about our adoption journeys. The writer, Marissa Howard, did a amazing job writing the piece. Her...9 years ago
Someone is 16 Today! - Someone who is Beautiful... Sweet Unique Silly OK and downright Goofy! It will be birthday party central here today...more on Josi's 16th birt...11 years ago
Another Acronym. Another Specialist. The Long Story. - We finally got Darah in to see the rheumatologist to confirm what other specialists have told us she likely has. We LOVED the rheumatologist we saw and s...11 years ago
My strength didn't come from lifting weights. My strength came from lifting myself up every time i was knocked down. - My strength didn't come from lifting weights. My strength came from lifting myself up every time i was knocked down. ♥♥ Share Inspire Quotes ♥♥ Inspiration...11 years ago
News And Repair From Life Insurance - Life insurance is one among the foremost counseled places wherever you'll be able to get complete and elaborate insurance quotes. This website can assist ...12 years ago
Slip proof rug - Any of you have hard wood floors? How about rugs for your hard wood floor? It wasn't until we moved into our current house with hard wood floor, that we ne...13 years ago
Sunday, May 30, 2010
I am so late in posting!! I have really neglected my blog, but honestly, there's nothing that I can really say! There is something HUGE that I am dying to share, but I'm not ready yet. (UGH!!) It's soooo hard to not share!! Once I do, I'll be full of posts full of stuff. :o)
BUT! In the meantime, my husband Mark had a birthday! Happy Birthday, Markie!! He absolutely HATES having his picture on my blog, but that's too bad - it's my blog and I'll put pictures here if I want to! (Sorry, Markie! ...get your own blog!)
He had a pretty good birthday, even if he felt really miserable all day, poor guy. We woke him up with breakfast, cards and gifts and finished the day with a delicious supper with a sloppy dessert cake!
Poor guy! Gets woken up, eggs shoved under his nose, and is expected to smile for the camera!!

BUT! In the meantime, my husband Mark had a birthday! Happy Birthday, Markie!! He absolutely HATES having his picture on my blog, but that's too bad - it's my blog and I'll put pictures here if I want to! (Sorry, Markie! ...get your own blog!)
He had a pretty good birthday, even if he felt really miserable all day, poor guy. We woke him up with breakfast, cards and gifts and finished the day with a delicious supper with a sloppy dessert cake!
Opening his cards (I think this one is from his mom). Doesn't he look happy that it's his birthday and it's so early in the morning??

Ahh, I'd LOVE to make a comment about this T-shirt, but I'd better not!! LOL!!

Ahh, I'd LOVE to make a comment about this T-shirt, but I'd better not!! LOL!!
The red T-shirt may not have gone over real big, but he LOVED this one!! How he does love his dog, Daisy!!

IMO, this was the best gift that he got: it's a "Fire Wallet". It's a real wallet, but it has a gizmo on it that you flick and it lights on fire!! REALLY COOL!! And yes, the flames are really big! :o)
IMO, this was the best gift that he got: it's a "Fire Wallet". It's a real wallet, but it has a gizmo on it that you flick and it lights on fire!! REALLY COOL!! And yes, the flames are really big! :o)
After the morning party, we went to church, then I took Erik to downtown Cocoa so that he could play in the fountains. Funny, though, mostly he LOOKED at the fountains - didn't seem real interested in actually getting IN them, which was odd for him. He had fun though, and that's what matters.

And, of course, the birthday cake shot.
And yes, as a matter of fact, that IS a mop and bucket sitting on the chair in the background. At least it's OUT, as if I USED it!!!
Happy Birthday, Markie!! We love you!!
Happy Birthday, Markie!! We love you!!

Saturday, May 22, 2010
I think we can all relate to this song. Michael W. Smith hits the nail on the head with this one, for sure.

Saturday, May 15, 2010
Ah, springtime!! Springtime around here means hours spent on the ballfield for Reese and hours spent on my derriere on the bleachers. But this year I have someone to sit with - Erik! He's a great little bleacher-buddy and such a good pal. (Sometimes Nikolai comes, sometimes not.)
Below are self-explanatory photos of Reese playing and Erik spectating. I need some off-topic advice though: I can't seem to keep Erik's teeth very clean. I brush them every day and even floss them once in awhile but they don't look very good at all! He sees the dentist regularly, and has an appt. in 2 weeks, but for some reason, it looks like he never gets brushed! Can anyone help me with this?? What am I doing wrong? Or NOT doing??
Anyway, here are the pictures!!

I know I'm supposed to keep my eye on the game, but would YOU be able to, with this adorable little boy sitting next to you??

Below are self-explanatory photos of Reese playing and Erik spectating. I need some off-topic advice though: I can't seem to keep Erik's teeth very clean. I brush them every day and even floss them once in awhile but they don't look very good at all! He sees the dentist regularly, and has an appt. in 2 weeks, but for some reason, it looks like he never gets brushed! Can anyone help me with this?? What am I doing wrong? Or NOT doing??
Anyway, here are the pictures!!
I know I'm supposed to keep my eye on the game, but would YOU be able to, with this adorable little boy sitting next to you??

Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Reese won the election for next year's Sophomore Class President!! What a relief!! He put a major effort into it, with posters, flyers with funny sayings, and he gave an AWESOME speech!! I'm just so proud of him I could burst!!


Monday, May 10, 2010
This has got to be the best Mother's Day gift I've ever gotten from one of my kids: Reese presented me with a folded piece of loose-leaf paper. I opened it, and in his chicken scratch handwriting, written in pencil, was this poem:

Who You Are
You are a good cook
You encourage me
You motivate me
You are a great person
You are selfless
You are pleasant
You are understanding
You are smart
You help others
You are godly
You are compassionate
You forgive
And above all else...
You are my mother
Happy Mother's day
-Love, Reese
You are a good cook
You encourage me
You motivate me
You are a great person
You are selfless
You are pleasant
You are understanding
You are smart
You help others
You are godly
You are compassionate
You forgive
And above all else...
You are my mother
Happy Mother's day
-Love, Reese
NO store-bought gift could ever mean more to me than this poem. It is going in the scrapbook, or even yet, in a frame. God, how You have blessed me with this child!!! Surely I don't deserve it!!!

Saturday, May 8, 2010
Today was a fun day: Reese had a Little League game, and afterward I took Erik to the YMCA that has a GREAT pool area. I got him set up at the zero-depth entry area by the kiddie fountains and he was thrilled (no surprise there!). After a time, I got up and walked with him near the bigger fountains and he was a little overwhelmed, but in love. He found a spot by the edge in which to sit and I went back to my lounge chair to watch him. As I turned around to sit down and see how he was doing (man, my eye only left him for these few seconds the whole time we were there!), I saw him get knocked over by one of the big fountains. I jumped up and, in incredibly slow motion, ran through the pool, through the fountains (I was fully dressed!) and over to my boy, who was face down, and not moving the entire time I ran to him (several seconds which seemed like several minutes). There was a kid of around 10 or 11 right near Erik that I hollered at to get him, but the kid either didn't hear me or didn't comprehend what was going on. I eventually got to my precious son, still motionless, face down in the 2' water. Terrified, I grabbed him and pulled him out of the water and so I could see him!! He coughed, cried and gasped - he was okay! My legs went limp but I was able to check him over and carry him back over to the zero-depth area which was far safer for him, and he didn't leave that area for a SECOND until we left!! I don't know why the lifeguard didn't see anything, but he didn't. There is only one lifeguard for the whole pool, so I'm sure it is hard for him to scope out EVERYTHING all the time, and this happened within just a few seconds. But still...
After that excitement, we went and got him a new haircut! No, Amy L, it's not too short (I like it long, too!) but I think I made the lady so nervous last time with all of my picture taking that she didn't really do that good of a job - this lady this time did a great job. ;o)
I took many pictures today of Erik in the pool, but because it was so bright outside, I couldn't really see the settings on my camera and I ended up taking nothing but short, choppy stupid little videos!! I'll show you one, so you can see the set up of the pool area, but I warn you - you'll get a HORRIBLE shot of my legs at the end!!! I can't believe I'm posting this, and I hope my brother doesn't see it (I don't think he ever looks at my blog - whew!)!!
So it was a big day, and it's only 2:00!!
After that excitement, we went and got him a new haircut! No, Amy L, it's not too short (I like it long, too!) but I think I made the lady so nervous last time with all of my picture taking that she didn't really do that good of a job - this lady this time did a great job. ;o)
I took many pictures today of Erik in the pool, but because it was so bright outside, I couldn't really see the settings on my camera and I ended up taking nothing but short, choppy stupid little videos!! I'll show you one, so you can see the set up of the pool area, but I warn you - you'll get a HORRIBLE shot of my legs at the end!!! I can't believe I'm posting this, and I hope my brother doesn't see it (I don't think he ever looks at my blog - whew!)!!
So it was a big day, and it's only 2:00!!
Friday, May 7, 2010
I found these hilarious glasses with a red nose at the dollar store, but the red nose doesn't seem to work with the glasses. Anyway, I was playing around with Erik and Daisy the dog, putting the glasses on them and it was so hilarious I laughed until I could hardly breathe!!
Here are pictures of each of them with the glasses on: Which one is funnier?? Leave your answer in the comments section and we'll see who gets the most votes!

Afterward, I put the red nose on Erik and, while he wasn't as tolerant of it as he was the glasses, he looked SO cute!!!

Here are pictures of each of them with the glasses on: Which one is funnier?? Leave your answer in the comments section and we'll see who gets the most votes!
Afterward, I put the red nose on Erik and, while he wasn't as tolerant of it as he was the glasses, he looked SO cute!!!

Sunday, May 2, 2010
I have SO much on my mind lately (a lot of it good!) but this post needs to be about Reese! This weekend (we only had the weekend!) we spent multiple hours preparing for Reese's campaign to run for Sophomore Class President for next year. I'll admit, I had a good time! Reese is SUCH a great kid and so much fun to work with, and he and I just really, really blend well, that we got a tremendous amount of work done and tomorrow morning, we'll head for the school very early to hang up his flyers and posters!
He has about 6 different flyer designs, but I won't share them here, as that would be a pain, but I WILL show you the posters - he was allowed 3 posters and 20 flyers. Here are the three posters:
This is my favorite one (above). The only thing about it is that he used an original 11X14 portrait for this poster as we had no way of getting a big enough copy of it!! He'd better bring that one home after the election is over!!
I think this one is just plain fun: Reese is great at laughing at his "differences" and he highlights that by having six (instead of 10) reasons to vote for him. We made little "quote bubbles" and put in one characteristic for each finger, and each bubble points to a finger. ;o)
He thought this one was a fun play on words. You can't really see in the photo, but the word "Russian" has quotations marks around it, so that you read "rush in" as well as "Russian".

He has about 6 different flyer designs, but I won't share them here, as that would be a pain, but I WILL show you the posters - he was allowed 3 posters and 20 flyers. Here are the three posters:
Good luck, Reese!!! Reese for President of the Sophomore Class!!

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If you want happiness for an hour, take a nap.
If you want happiness for a day, go fishing.
If you want happiness for a year, inherit a fortune.
If you want happiness for a lifetime, help somebody.
- Chinese proverb
If you want happiness for a day, go fishing.
If you want happiness for a year, inherit a fortune.
If you want happiness for a lifetime, help somebody.
- Chinese proverb
It is not the will of your Father that any one of these little ones should perish. Matt. 18:14
Whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me. Matt. 18:5
Whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me. Matt. 18:5
Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
My family

Nikolai, Mark, Missy, Reese, and Erik
Nikolai, 19
Reese, 19

Erik, 9


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