Let us touch the dying, the poor, the lonely and the unwanted
according to the graces we have received and let us not be ashamed or
slow to do the humble work.

- Mother Teresa

About Me

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Sunny Florida, United States
I am the proud mom to 6 kids: Natasha, 24, Nikolai, 20, Reese, 20, Maylee, 14, Erik, 10 and Violet, 7. The kids come from Russia, Ukraine and China; I'm so proud of my family sometimes I think I'll burst and I needed an outlet for it - so I've created this weblog. :o)
If you can't feed a hundred people, then feed just one.
- Mother Teresa

Motivation for Moms

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One of the greatest diseases is to be nobody to anybody.
Mother Teresa

My Blog List

Thursday, September 10, 2009
I have LOVED being off Tuesday and Thursday this week and only working 1/2 days the other three days!! I feel so much more relaxed, organized and settled. Unfortunately, I have to go back full time next week, and this worries me because Mark has been so sick. He's pretty much been "out" since he got back from Ukraine. First, his MS was wearing him out from the trip, but then lately, we think he's caught the flu or something. I'm taking him to the doctor today. Because he's been so sick, it has given me LOTS of time with Erik and he and I are getting along beautifully! I haven't taken many photos the last couple of days, nor blogged, but here I am!

Oh, and one more thing: today Erik gets to go to the Pediatrician for his first check up and hopefully a bunch of referrals! I am seriously worried about his hearing. He just can't seem to hear well at all. He doesn't seem to hear Adam bark, and he has to hold musical toys right up to his ear to hear it. HOPEFULLY, it's something as simple as wax buildup, but we'll see today.

This picture cracks me up!! The boys are both nervous about "handling" Erik yet and mostly just look at him. Today I told Reese to sit with him for a picture. Reese nervously sat down on the loveseat next to Erik and I said, "No, put him on your lap!". He looked at me like I'd said, "Lick the floor!" but he nervously did it. Erik must've sensed his nervousness because he was not at ALL happy about sitting on Reese's lap! This picture is so funny - look at Erik yelling, and the expression on Reese's face! LOL --it did get better when I got out the bubbles and both of them relaxed, though. ;op

Here he is without his scary brother, enjoying the bubbles. Bubbles are the BEST toy!!! Cheap, fun, easy to do! And a VERY good therapy tool, I might add...!!

This is his "I'm just sitting here chilling out" look.

This one isn't really a very special one, but I love his profile here. He's so cute!

I'll try to do better about blogging and adding pictures - amazing how busy I've become!! ;op


amyl4 said...

He also may have water behind his ear drum. Praying it is nothing permanent. Bubbles and balloons, two of Elijah's favorite things.:) We also blow bubbles in the bath tub.:)

Milena said...

I hope his hearing is OK!
He's so sweet - and so tiny...
Hopefully he'll warm up to his brothers soon - and they to him :-)

Kerry Shealy said...

It is so good to see Erik HOME!!!

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If you want happiness for an hour, take a nap.
If you want happiness for a day, go fishing.
If you want happiness for a year, inherit a fortune.
If you want happiness for a lifetime, help somebody.
- Chinese proverb
It is not the will of your Father that any one of these little ones should perish. Matt. 18:14

Whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me. Matt. 18:5

Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

My family

My family
Nikolai, Mark, Missy, Reese, and Erik

Nikolai, 19

Nikolai, 19

Reese, 19

Reese, 19

Erik, 9

Erik, 9





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